The IlShin +Series ULT features 2 independent compressor systems each...
This microscope enables you to choose between cost-efficient and...
Wireless LAN camera. Complete EP50 kit with wireless LAN adapter and...
The LC35 digital microscope camera balances image quality with...
The Medi-Log 2, equipped with a Glycol Vial, 2 Meter External probe, and...
Vilber Lourmat is the specialist of post-electrophoresis instruments and UV lamps. They design and manufacture and market instruments for gel visualisation, gel documentation and gel analysis.
Founded in 1954, Vilber is a leader in the molecular imaging sector, and has equipped more than 20,000 laboratories worldwide. An estimated 60.000 people use our products every day in over 100 countries worldwide.
Their products are intended for research only and are most broadly used in DNA and protein research laboratories. Our customers include pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies as well as universities, medical centers, government research institutes and agencies worldwide.
VILBER has pioneered the post electrophoresis market and introduced breakthrough products such as stand-alone gel-documentation, Bio-1D imaging software, Super-Bright UV technology, dedicated chemiluminescence imaging system and 3D approach to 1D gel analysis.
Through a network of owned subsidiary offices and local distributors located in over 80 countries around the world, VILBER offers a broad range of imaging products for the life science research.
The Bio-Link BLX Crosslinker is an UV irradiation system, mainly dedicated to the linking of nucleic acid to membranes and elimination of PCR contimination. Its innovative design includes a programmable microprocessor, precise irradiation in either energy (Joules/cm²) or time (seconds), and spacious UV exposure chamber in stainless steel.
VILBER has pioneered the post electrophoresis market and introduced breakthrough products such as stand-alone gel-documentation, Bio-1D imaging software, Super-Bright UV technology, dedicated chemiluminescence imaging system and 3D approach to 1D gel analysis.
Vilber are the leading European provider of molecular imaging systems, analysis software and UV Flourescence equipment.
The BioSun is a complete, microprocessor controlled UV irradiation system designed for Petri dishes or micro-plates. Based on a programmable microprocessor, the system constantly monitors the UV light emission.
Two types of UV Darkroom Cabinets are available, the CN-15 and CN-6. The CN-15 has extra large capacity with black rubber curtain for easy access into the darkroom and white-light bulb for normal observation. The CN-6 has a smaller capacity and allows different lighting possibilities according to the user's choice.
A range of UV Accessories are available including Face Shields and Goggles, which offer users protection against UV radiation. Other accessories include Conversion Screens and Lamp Stands for hands-free operation.
A large choice of UV Lamps and Stands are available including: Filtered UV Lamps High Intensity UV Lamps LED UV Lamps Black-Light UV Lamps UV Gemicidal Lamps.
Three models of UV Radiometers are available and designed for an accurate and direct measurement of the UV radiation. All radiometers use a silicon photo-electric for a direct measurement of the UV intensity and thus do not convert UV into visible light.