The IlShin +Series ULT features 2 independent compressor systems each...
This microscope enables you to choose between cost-efficient and...
Wireless LAN camera. Complete EP50 kit with wireless LAN adapter and...
The LC35 digital microscope camera balances image quality with...
The Medi-Log 2, equipped with a Glycol Vial, 2 Meter External probe, and...
Handy telescopic probe—expandable from 9½" to three feet—is ideal for hard-to-reach areas No-moving-parts anemometer eliminates friction errors—perfect for any environmental test Output capability allows unit to be connected to a computer or data logger to monitor/store results
Control Company designs, manufacturers, and sells equipment and scientific instruments for plants and laboratories in the industrial, biomedical, hospital, educational, and governmental market. ADELAB SCIENTIFIC is an appointed Australian Distributor for the range of Traceable® products supplied by the Control company.