The IlShin +Series ULT features 2 independent compressor systems each...
This microscope enables you to choose between cost-efficient and...
Wireless LAN camera. Complete EP50 kit with wireless LAN adapter and...
The LC35 digital microscope camera balances image quality with...
The Medi-Log 2, equipped with a Glycol Vial, 2 Meter External probe, and...
Liquidator96 pipetting system is a powerful personal research tool for all laboratories. Accurate and efficient, Liquidator96 is designed to maximize workflow, without the need for complicated programming or dedicated technician time. Incredibly fast, Liquidator96 adds outstanding quality features to high throughput pipetting, with many applications.
The Precision Plus benchtop pipettor is ideal for cell culture, plate replication, plate reformatting, and multi-step dispensing. It is a light-weight, portable instrument designed to accelerate liquid transfer and is available in two volume ranges: 25µl (1.0-25.0µl) and 300µl (5-300µl).
The Precision Series Pipettor is an intuitive multichannel pipettor capable of 96 and 384 well formats. Plate stamping, plate reformatting, mixing, and serial dilute have never been so easy and quick.