The IlShin +Series ULT features 2 independent compressor systems each...
This microscope enables you to choose between cost-efficient and...
Wireless LAN camera. Complete EP50 kit with wireless LAN adapter and...
The LC35 digital microscope camera balances image quality with...
The Medi-Log 2, equipped with a Glycol Vial, 2 Meter External probe, and...
MEGA manufactures Gas Chromatrography Capillary Columns and offers a wide range of products and GC Capillary Columns. Products include: GC-MS low bleeding columns, FAST and Ultra-FAST GC columns and solutions for Multidimensional and GCxGC Comprehensive techniques. Moreover MEGA produces the most efficient GC capillary columns with cyclodextrines-based stationary phases for enantiomeric chiral separations (MEGA-DEX Columns Line).
MEGA offers; A complete range of stationary phases for conventional-GC, FAST-GC, Wide Bore GC and Chiral-GC, GC-MS. Special and innovative products for Multidimensional-GC (including GCxGC), High Temperature GC.