The IlShin +Series ULT features 2 independent compressor systems each...
This microscope enables you to choose between cost-efficient and...
Wireless LAN camera. Complete EP50 kit with wireless LAN adapter and...
The LC35 digital microscope camera balances image quality with...
The Medi-Log 2, equipped with a Glycol Vial, 2 Meter External probe, and...
Gene Target Solutions is an Australian owned company that services the Australian Life Science Community.
Gene Target Solutions is an Australian owned company that services the Australian Life Science Community. Gene Target Solutions have strong partnerships with leading Global Biotechnology Companies such as Epicentre, Quanta Bio, Advanced Analytical Technologies, DeNovix, Biosearch Technologies, Swift Biosciences, Dornier, Biolegio, Biotium, Orflo, Kurabo, BioMolecular Systems (formally known as Corbett Research), NimaGen & ZyGEM, allow us to specialise in the field of Molecular Biology with a strong focus on the Purification, Qualification, Quantification, Amplification and Next Generation Sequencing of all Nucleic Acids.